Quintet for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Violin and Cello
18' | 2014-2017 | Commission of ACIMC, Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, and Fondation de Francis and Mica Salabert
Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Piano
Commissioned by
ACIMC, with the support of Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation and fondation de Francis and Mica Salabert
Dedicated to
Eric Daubresse
Date and place of composition
2014-2017, Paris
November 2018, Paris, France
Ensemble(s): Ensemble Court-Circuit
Label: Stradivarius
Catalogue No: STR37157
Release Date: 12/2021
Distributor: Naxos
Review: Michel Tosi / ResMusica
Impronta - Edition UG
Commissioned by ACIMC, with the support of Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung and the Francis and Mica Salabert Foundation, this work is the last of the Ictus Vocis series in which a close correlation is established between the timbre of the instruments, the gesture of the performers and the melodic motifs. This work is organized in several movements, conceived as so many paintings: Sepideh (Dawn), Nimtāb I (Twilight I), Tābān (Illumination), Bāmdād (Night), Pegāh (Sunrise), Nimtāb II (Twilight II) . In Persian language, Anagrān means infinite light. The piece is dedicated to Eric Daubresse.
Commande de l’ACIMC, avec le soutien de Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung et la Fondation Francis et Mica Salabert, cette oeuvre est la dernière de la série Ictus Vocis dans laquelle s’établit une corrélation étroite entre le timbre des instruments, le geste des interprètes et les motifs mélodiques. Cette oeuvre s’organise en plusieurs mouvements, pensés comme autant de tableaux : Sepideh (Aube), Nimtāb I (Crepuscule I), Tābān (Illumination), Bāmdād (Nuit), Pegāh (Lever de soleil), Nimtāb II (Crepuscule II). En langue persane, Anagrān signifie lumière infinie.
Anagrān est dédiée à Eric Daubresse.