@insert Alireza_process_GMEM1.asco.txt @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // $patch_path := @max_patch_path() // $patch_path := @pwd() $patch_path := @current_load_directory() // Capteur00: Actor - Bruno - Left Hand // Capteur01: Actor - Bruno - Right Hand // Capteur02: Percu1 - Adelaide - Left Hand // Capteur03: Percu1 - Adelaide - Right Hand // Capteur04 Percu2 - Aurelien - Left Hand // Capteur05 Percu2 - Aurelien - Right Hand print ___path $patch_path $input := $patch_path //$res := @r_match("([[:alnum:] +_/-]+)/([[:alnum:] _-]+)/?", "/Volumes/Studio5+1_sys/Users/pdelges/Desktop/Patch-concert-Alireza/") // regexp to retrieval base path and last element $res := @r_match("([[:alnum:] +_/-]+)/([[:alnum:] _-]+)/?", $input) // regexp to retrieval base path and last element $base_path := $res[0] $lastdir_path := $res[1] print __base_path $base_path print __lastdir_path $lastdir_path // $base_path := "/Volumes/Studio5+1_sys/Users/pdelges/Desktop/Patch-concert-Alireza" // $lastdir_path := "antes-scores" // print base_path $base_path // print lastdir_path $lastdir_path antescofo::bypass_temporeset "on" // obj::sc_server("localhost", 57110, device = "Fireface UCX (23775842)") antescofo::suivi 0 TEMPO 60 Mat clear spat_reverberance 26 onseg_load_sounds clearall onseg_thresh 9 chop_size 100 concat_chop_dur 180 concat_chop_release 100 onseg_load_sounds clearall // clear previuos audio content midi-pedal 1 // active midi pedal // load mubu container // onseg_load_sounds readall "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/concat_container1_onseg.mubu" // onseg_load_sounds readall "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/onseg_container_test1.mubu" // onseg_load_sounds readall "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/Container_onseg_a01-01.mubu" // onseg_load_sounds readall "/Users/fernandez/Desktop/TM_Columbia/JMF/Patch-concert-Alireza/samples-concat/Container_onseg_a01-01.mubu" onseg_load_sounds readall ($base_path+"/samples-concat/Container_A.mubu") // onseg_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Alireza/sons-concat/comedien-murmure-SVP2.aif" // onseg_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Alireza/sons-concat/comedien-expresif-SVP1.aif" // onseg_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/a01-01-02-premieres-impressions.wav" // onseg_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/a01-01-03_comedien_expressif.wav" // onseg_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/a01-01-04_comedien_murmure.wav" // onseg_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/a01-01-05_comedien_murmure.wav" // onseg_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/a01-01-05_comedien_rapide.wav" // onseg_load_sounds readfolder "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat" "@type" audio "@name" sound stop_all_samplers 100 // 0.3 onseg_analyse bang // 1 onseg_analyse bang chop_load_sounds clearall // clear previuos audio content // chop_load_sounds readall "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/concat_container2_chop.mubu" // chop_load_sounds readall "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/chop_b02_01.mubu" // chop_load_sounds readall "/Users/fernandez/Desktop/TM_Columbia/JMF/Patch-concert-Alireza/samples-concat/chop_b02_01.mubu" // chop_load_sounds readall ($base_path+"/samples-concat/martyrs_test.mubu") chop_load_sounds readall ($base_path+"/samples-concat/chop_b02_01.mubu") // chop_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Alireza/sons-concat/roulement.aif" // chop_load_sounds readfolder "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat" "@type" audio "@name" sound 1 chop_analyse bang 1 // onseg_load_sounds // clear previuos audio content // onseg_load_sounds readappend "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Alireza/sons-concat/papillon-souffle_fort.aif" onseg_thresh 9 concat_chop_3_intensity 1 // 0.3 onseg_analyse bang // $bruno_L // $bruno_R whenever($server_lev==$server_lev) { _ := $Servers("localhost").volume($server_lev) } // oscrecv osc 8880 * $receive_toto // whenever ($receive_toto==$receive_toto) // { // print $receive_toto // } // Spat sources initialisation (aed : azimuth, elevation, distance) spat_params "/source/1/aed" -51.6817 15. 1 spat_params "/source/2/aed" 51.6817 15. 1 spat_params "/source/3/aed" -51.6817 15. 0.5 spat_params "/source/4/aed" 51.6817 15. 0.5 spat_params "/source/5/aed" -90 15. 1 spat_params "/source/6/aed" 90 15. 1 NOTE 60 1 test1 // obj::mix_group("group1", "localhost") // $Servers("localhost").master_out() // $Servers("localhost").dumpOSC(1) // print ("adelaide_L".last()) // print ("adelaide_L".take(3)) // obj::osc2_max($bruno_mov_L, "concat_onseg_1_still") // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($bruno_incl_lat_L, "concat_onseg_1", "Duration", $weights_onseg) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all // obj::osc2_max($bruno_incl_front_L, "print") // obj::test_osc($bruno_incl_front_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_incl_lat_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_mov_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_intensity2_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_acc_intensity_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_kick_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_kick2_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_dir_deriv_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_kickdir_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_gyrkick_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_kickpos_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_dir_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_mov_horiz_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_pitchrollyaw_L) // obj::test_osc($bruno_incl_front_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_incl_lat_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_mov_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_intensity2_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_acc_intensity_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_kick_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_kick2_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_dir_deriv_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_kickdir_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_gyrkick_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_kickpos_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_dir_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_mov_horiz_R) // obj::test_osc($bruno_pitchrollyaw_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_incl_front_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_incl_lat_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_mov_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_intensity2_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_acc_intensity_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_kick_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_kick2_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_dir_deriv_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_kickdir_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_gyrkick_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_kickpos_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_dir_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_mov_horiz_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_pitchrollyaw_L) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_incl_front_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_incl_lat_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_mov_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_intensity2_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_acc_intensity_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_kick_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_kick2_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_dir_deriv_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_kickdir_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_gyrkick_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_kickpos_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_dir_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_mov_horiz_R) // obj::test_osc($adelaide_pitchrollyaw_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_incl_front_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_incl_lat_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_mov_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_intensity2_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_acc_intensity_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_kick_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_kick2_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_dir_deriv_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_kickdir_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_gyrkick_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_kickpos_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_dir_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_mov_horiz_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_pitchrollyaw_L) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_incl_front_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_incl_lat_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_mov_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_intensity2_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_acc_intensity_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_kick_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_kick2_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_dir_deriv_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_kickdir_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_gyrkick_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_kickpos_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_dir_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_mov_horiz_R) // obj::test_osc($aurelien_pitchrollyaw_R) // A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A NOTE 60 1 a01-01 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-01-001-souffle-jete.wav" 4 7 sample "a01-01-001-voix.aiff" 4 5 // ––––––––Matrix (psychoriste) Mat Mic_Voix psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 Mat psycho2 spat2 Mat psycho3 spat3 Mat psycho4 spat4 // ––––––––Matrix (freeze) Mat Mic_Perc1 freeze Mat Mic_Perc2 freeze Mat Mic_Perc3 freeze Mat freeze1 spat5 Mat freeze2 spat6 // ––––––––Matrix (concatenative syhtnesis) Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 Mat sampler5 psycho // ––PSYCHORISTE psycho_mute 0 // ––––––––Level (psychoriste) psycho_Out1-lev 0.0 psycho_Out2-lev 0.0 psycho_Out3-lev 0.0 psycho_Out4-lev 0.0 psycho_all-voices-trans 1 psycho_mute 0 // + spat main droite psycho_temp-modulation 50 // delay psycho_pitch-modulation 10 // add modulation in the beginning // ––––––––MONTION SENSORS (psychoriste) group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1000, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1000, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––FREEZE // freeze the sound fo the instruments that the actor toches (left hand from left and right hand from right) sogs-1-rand-freq-pos 77 sogs-1-pos-offset 12 sogs-1-onset-var 24 sogs-1-pitch-var 0 sogs-1-pitch-trans 0 sogs-1-grain-dur 900 sogs-1-lev 20 sogs-2-rand-freq-pos 77 sogs-2-pos-offset 12 sogs-2-onset-var 24 sogs-2-pitch-var 0 sogs-2-pitch-trans 0 sogs-2-grain-dur 900 sogs-2-lev 20 // ––––––––Motion Sensors (freeze) group freeze_perc_bruno_R { // kick_freeze_spat($osc_perc, $freeze, $amp, $dur, $main_L_R, $dur_spat) // capteur, freeze_num, amp, duree, main_R_L obj::kick_freeze_spat($bruno_kick_R, "freeze2", 10, 12, "R", 4.356) } group freeze_perc_bruno_L { // kick_freeze_spat($osc_perc, $freeze, $amp, $dur, $main_L_R, $dur_spat) // capteur, freeze_num, amp, duree, main_R_L obj::kick_freeze_spat($bruno_kick_L, "freeze1", 10, 12, "L", 4.356) } // ––CONCATENATIVE SYNTHESIS // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) print toto to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 1 4 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 // ––––––––Configuration (fshift is inactivated in the section A concatenative syhtnesis) fshift1_mute 0 fshift1_In-lev 0.015 fshift1_Out-lev 0.000 fshift1_del 58 fshift1_fshift 55.000 fshift1_posneg 0.000 // ::weights("to_knn_onseg_onseg1", ["Duration", "Centroid-mean"]) concat_onseg_1_intensity (0.5) concat_onseg_release 2 concat_onseg_1_intensity 0.01 // ––––––––Motion Sensors (concatenative syhtnesis) group seq_change_concat_bruno { group concat_capteur1 { $weights1 := ::weights("to_knn_onseg_onseg1", ["Frequency-mean"]) obj::osc2_max($bruno_mov_L, "concat_onseg_1_still") obj::osc2_max_descriptors($bruno_incl_lat_L, "concat_onseg_1", "Frequency-mean", $weights_onseg) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_L, "concat_onseg_level", 0., 0.5, -40, -10, 1) // Modulation du comedien // ($sensor, $concat_onseg_level, $?, $?, $min level, $max level, $?) } 5 abort concat_capteur1 abort $weights1 group concat_capteur2 { $weights2 := ::weights("to_knn_onseg_onseg1", ["Centroid-mean"]) obj::osc2_max($bruno_mov_L, "concat_onseg_1_still") obj::osc2_max_descriptors($bruno_incl_lat_L, "concat_onseg_1", "Centroid-mean", $weights_onseg) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_L, "concat_onseg_level", 0., 0.5, -40, -10, 1) // Modulation du comedien } 5 abort concat_capteur2 abort $weights2 group concat_capteur3 { $weights3 := ::weights("to_knn_onseg_onseg1", ["Kurtosis-mean"]) obj::osc2_max($bruno_mov_L, "concat_onseg_1_still") obj::osc2_max_descriptors($bruno_incl_lat_L, "concat_onseg_1", "Kurtosis-mean", $weights_onseg) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_L, "concat_onseg_level", 0., 0.5, -40, -10, 1) // Modulation du comedien } 5 abort concat_capteur3 abort $weights3 group concat_capteur4 { $weights4 := ::weights("to_knn_onseg_onseg1", ["Loudness-mean"]) obj::osc2_max($bruno_mov_L, "concat_onseg_1_still") obj::osc2_max_descriptors($bruno_incl_lat_L, "concat_onseg_1", "Loudness-mean", $weights_onseg) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_L, "concat_onseg_level", 0., 0.5, -40, -10, 1) // Modulation du comedien } } // spat-oper-command room 1 reverberance 71 MATRIX // ––SAMPLES // ––––––––Sample (spatialisation) // $rand_spat1 := ::rand_lfo_spat($channel, -1, 1, 1, "linear", 30) // rand_lfo_spat($source, $min, $max, $init_val, $type, $tpo) // moduler amplitude sfplay quand il y a un traitement en temps réel PROGRAMAR $rand_spat1 := ::rand_lfo_spat(7, -1, 1, 1, "linear", 50) // rand_spat_sample $rand_spat2 := ::rand_lfo_spat(8, -1, 1, 1, "linear", 50) // rand_spat_sample // événements a01-02 à a01-08 sont utiliés pour changer le contenur des containers afin de faire varier le résultat de la synthèse concaténative NOTE 60 1 a01-02 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-02-001-souffle-jete.aiff" 3 8 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 4 6 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-03 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-03-001-souffle-jete.aiff" 3 7 sample "a01-03-001-voix.aiff" 3 5 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 6 10 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-04 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-04-001-guttural.aiff" 12 5 sample "a01-04-001-voix.aiff" 12 8 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 9 13 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1600, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1600, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-05 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-05-001-voix.aif" 0 5 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 12 20 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1600, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-06 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-06-001-souffle-jete.aiff" 3 7 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 17 21 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-07 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-07-001-voix.aiff" 3 5 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 18 21 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-08 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-08-001-guttural.aiff" 16 8 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 21 24 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1600, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-09 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-09-001-voix.aiff" 3 5 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 24 26 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1000, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-10 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-10-001-souffle-jete.aiff" 12 7 sample "a01-10-001-voix.aiff" 3 5 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 24 25 26 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-11 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-11-001-souffle-jete.aiff" 4 8 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 21 24 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a01-12 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a01-12-001-souffle-jete.wav" 6 7 sample "a01-12-001-voix1.aiff" 0 1 sample "a01-12-001-voix2.aiff" 0 2 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 24 26 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2600, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } NOTE 60 1 a02-01 // triggered by the musiciens // ––SAMPLES // stop sample en ms stop_all_samplers 3000 // MATRIX A (I): // Mat Psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 off Mat psycho2 spat2 off Mat psycho3 spat3 off Mat psycho4 spat4 off // Mat concat Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 off NOTE 60 1 a02-02 // triggered by the musiciens // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel 0.5 sample "a02-004-son-saccade.aif" 6 7 spat_y4 0.4 spat_x4 0.5 sample "a02-004-cymbale.aif" 5 4 1.7 Curve spat_x4 0.5, -1 1s Curve spat_y4 0.4, 0 1s NOTE 60 1 a03-01 // triggered at the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel stop_all_samplers 100 0.15 sample "a03-01-006-voix.aiff" 6 5 // ––––––––Matrix (psychoriste) Mat Mic_Voix psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 Mat psycho2 spat2 Mat psycho3 spat3 Mat psycho4 spat4 // ––––––––Matrix (freeze) Mat Mic_Perc1 freeze Mat Mic_Perc2 freeze Mat Mic_Perc3 freeze Mat freeze1 spat5 Mat freeze2 spat6 // ––––––––Matrix (concatenative syhtnesis) Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 Mat sampler5 psycho group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 28 29 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a03-02 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a03-02-006-souffle-jete.aiff" 24 8 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1600, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 29 31 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a03-03 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a03-03-006-souffle-jete.aiff" 6 5 sample "a03-03-006-voix.aiff" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1000, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 30 31 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a03-04 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a03-04-006-voix.aiff" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 30 33 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a03-05 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel 0.4 sample "a03-05-006-guttural.aiff" 12 7 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 32 34 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $? $channel NOTE 60 1 a03-06 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a03-06-006-guttural.aiff" 24 8 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2600, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 35 36 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a03-07 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a03-07-006-voix1.aiff" 8 5 sample "a03-07-006-voix1.aiff" 0 1 sample "a03-07-006-voix2.aiff" 0 2 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 37 38 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a04-01 // triggered by the musicien // ––SAMPLES // stop sample en ms stop_all_samplers 2000 // MATRIX A (I): // Mat Psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 off Mat psycho2 spat2 off Mat psycho3 spat3 off Mat psycho4 spat4 off // Mat concat Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 off NOTE 60 1 a04-02 // triggered by the musician // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a04-02-009-son-saccade.aif" 6 7 spat_y4 0.5 spat_x4 0.5 2 sample "a04-02-009-son.aif" 15 4 0.2 Curve spat_x4 0.5, -1 0.7s NOTE 60 1 a05-01 // triggered by the musician // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channe sample "a05-01-011-voix.aiff" 6 5 // MATRIX A (I): // Mat Psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 Mat psycho2 spat2 Mat psycho3 spat3 Mat psycho4 spat4 // Mat concat Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 39 43 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a05-02 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a05-02-011-voix.aiff" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 40 41 45 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a05-03 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a05-03-011-voix.aiff" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2600, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 45 47 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a05-04 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a05-04-011-guttural.aiff" 12 7 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 42 48 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a05-05 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a05-05-011-voix1.aiff" 6 1 sample "a05-05-011-voix2.aiff" 6 2 sample "a05-05-011-voix3.aiff" 6 8 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2900, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 44 46 49 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a06-01 // triggered by the musicien // ––SAMPLES // stop sample en ms stop_all_samplers 3000 // MATRIX A (I): // Mat Psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 off Mat psycho2 spat2 off Mat psycho3 spat3 off Mat psycho4 spat4 off // Mat Concat Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 off NOTE 60 1 a06-02 // triggered at the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel // spat random continue 0.8 sample "a06-02-016-son-saccade.aif" 6 8 spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 0.5 3 sample "a06-02-016-son.aif" 12 4 0.2 Curve spat_x4 0.5, -1 0.5s NOTE 60 1 a07-01 // triggered at the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a07-01-019-voix.aiff" 6 5 // MATRIX A (I): // Mat Psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 Mat psycho2 spat2 Mat psycho3 spat3 Mat psycho4 spat4 // Mat Concat Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 51 53 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a07-02 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a07-02-019-voix.aiff" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 50 53 55 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a07-03 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a07-03-019-voix.aiff" 6 5 sample "a07-03-019-guttural" 24 8 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2600, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 52 57 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a07-04 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a07-04-019-voix.aiff" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 52 54 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a07-05 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a07-05-019-souffle-jete.aiff" 18 7 sample "a07-05-019-voix.aiff" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2900, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 52 56 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a07-06 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a07-06-019-voix1.aiff" 0 1 sample "a07-06-019-voix2.aiff" 0 2 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2900, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 59 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a08-01 // trigered by the musiciens // ––SAMPLES // stop sample en ms stop_all_samplers 3000 // MATRIX A (I): // Mat Psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 off Mat psycho2 spat2 off Mat psycho3 spat3 off Mat psycho4 spat4 off // Mat Concat Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 off NOTE 60 1 a08-02 // event triggered by the musicien // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a08-02-023-son-saccade.aif" 6 7 spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 0.5 sample "a08-02-023-son.aif" 3 4 1 Curve spat_x4 0.5, -1 1s NOTE 60 1 a08-03 // event triggered by the musicien // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a08-03-025-son-cloche-repete.aif" 6 8 NOTE 60 1 a09-01 // event triggered by the musicien // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a09-01-029-voix.aiff" 6 5 // MATRIX A (I): // Mat Psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 Mat psycho2 spat2 Mat psycho3 spat3 Mat psycho4 spat4 // Mat Concat Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2600, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 60 63 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a09-02 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a09-02-029-voix.aif" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2700, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 60 62 63 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a09-03 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a09-03-029-voix.aiff" 6 5 sample "a09-03-029-guttural.aiff" 24 8 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2900, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 62 67 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 66 68 69 NOTE 60 1 a09-04 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a09-04-029-voix.aiff" 6 5 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1400, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1300, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2900, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 64 69 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 NOTE 60 1 a09-05 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a09-05-029-voix1.aiff" 3 5 sample "a09-05-029-voix1.aiff" 0 1 sample "a09-05-029-voix2.aiff" 0 2 group psycho_bruno_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1000, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1000, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2100, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 2900, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -30, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -20, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––––––––Container (concatenative syhtnesis) to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 66 68 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 69 NOTE 60 1 a10-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLES // stop sample en ms stop_all_samplers 3000 // MATRIX A (I): // Mat Psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 off Mat psycho2 spat2 off Mat psycho3 spat3 off Mat psycho4 spat4 off // Mat Concat Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off Mat gest1_onseg1 dac2 off // ––––––––Matrix (freeze) Mat Mic_Perc1 freeze off Mat Mic_Perc2 freeze off NOTE 60 1 a10-02 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 0.5 sample "a10-02-039-son.aif" 22 4 1 Curve spat_x4 0.5, -1 1.5s 0.35 sample "a10-02-038-son-saccade.aif" 12 7 // ––FREEZE // abort freeze_capteurs + psycho abort obj::psycho_lev_bruno abort obj::pedal_freeze abort psycho_lev_bruno group abor_ev1 { // abort concat_capteur1 // abort event 1 // abort concat_capteur2 // abort concat_capteur3 abort concat_capteur4 abort seq_change_concat_bruno abort freeze_perc_bruno_L abort freeze_perc_bruno_R Curve psycho_Out1-lev 0.0, -120 4s Curve psycho_Out2-lev 0.0, -120 4s Curve psycho_Out3-lev 0.0, -120 4s Curve psycho_Out4-lev 0.0, -120 4s 5s abort psycho_bruno_init } // MATRIX A (I): 6s Mat freeze1 spat5 off 6s Mat freeze2 spat6 off NOTE 60 1 a13-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "a10-13-045-son-cloche-repete.aif" 5 8 NOTE 60 1 a14-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLES // stop sample en ms stop_all_samplers 1000 // ––––––––Sample (spatialisation) // spat random continue 1.1 sample "a14-01-051-son-saccade.aif" 22 8 // ––––––––Configuration (freeze) sogs-1-rand-freq-pos 77 sogs-1-pos-offset 12 sogs-1-onset-var 24 sogs-1-pitch-var 0 sogs-1-pitch-trans 0 sogs-1-grain-dur 50 sogs-1-lev 20 sogs-2-rand-freq-pos 77 sogs-2-pos-offset 12 sogs-2-onset-var 24 sogs-2-pitch-var 0 sogs-2-pitch-trans 0 sogs-2-grain-dur 50 sogs-2-lev 20 // B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B NOTE 60 1 b01-01 // trigered by the musicien spat_params "/source/5/aed" -90 15. 1 spat_params "/source/6/aed" 90 15. 1 // ––MATRIX // ––––––––Matrix (freeze) Mat Mic_Voix freeze Mat freeze1 dac1 Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––––––––Matrix (psychoriste) Mat Mic_Voix psycho off Mat psycho1 spat1 off Mat psycho2 spat2 off Mat psycho3 spat3 off Mat psycho4 spat4 off // ––––––––Matrix (fshift) Mat gest1_onseg1 fshift1 off // ––––––––Matrix (concatenative Synthesis) Mat fshift1 dac1 off Mat fshift1 dac2 off // ––SAMPLES // stop sample en ms stop_all_samplers 1000 // ––FREEZE // freeze triggered by pedale group freeze_fin_A { Freeze freeze1 curve @action := { sogs-1-lev $val } , @grain := 0.05s { $val { { 0 } 1s { 0 } (10)s { -75 } } } 15s Freeze freeze1 off } // 3 abort freeze_voix_mains // ––CONCATENATIVE SYNTHESIS // ––––––Matrix (Concatenative Synthesis) Mat gest1_chop1 spat5 // Mat gest1_chop1 dac1 // ––––––Configuration (Concatenative Synthesis) ::weights("to_knn_chop1", ["Loudness-mean"]) concat_chop_1_play_mode 0 concat_chop_dur 550 concat_chop_release 100 concat_chop_level 1 // concat "aurelien quand il monte les mains changement b02-01-01_roulement-cb.aif" concat_chop_1_play_mode 1 // ––––––Motion Sensors (Concatenative Synthesis) group concat_capteur_chop1 { // capteur n°1 // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_lateral_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Frequency-mean", 1) // axe capteur, receiver_Max, descripteur list_index // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_front_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Loudness-mean", 1) // axe capteur, receiver_Max, descripteur obj::osc2_max($aurelien_mov_R, "concat_chop_1_still") obj::osc2_max_descriptors_intensity($aurelien_intensity2_R, "concat_chop_1", "Loudness-mean", $weights_chop) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_nim_intensity($aurelien_intensity2_R, "concat_chop_1_intensity") // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all } Mat gest2_chop2 spat6 // Mat gest2_chop2 dac2 // ––––––Configuration (Concatenative Synthesis) ::weights("to_knn_chop2", ["Loudness-mean"]) concat_chop_2_play_mode 0 concat_chop_dur 550 concat_chop_release 100 concat_chop_level 1 // concat "aurelien quand il monte les mains changement b02-01-01_roulement-cb.aif" concat_chop_2_play_mode 1 // ––––––Motion Sensors (Concatenative Synthesis) group concat_capteur_chop2 { // capteur n°1 // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_lateral_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Frequency-mean", 1) // axe capteur, receiver_Max, descripteur list_index // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_front_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Loudness-mean", 1) // axe capteur, receiver_Max, descripteur obj::osc2_max($aurelien_mov_L, "concat_chop_2_still") obj::osc2_max_descriptors_intensity($aurelien_intensity2_L, "concat_chop_2", "Loudness-mean", $weights_chop) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_nim_intensity($aurelien_intensity2_L, "concat_chop_2_intensity") // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all } NOTE 60 1 b01-02 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX B (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // Mat gest1_chop1 spat2 // Mat Mic_Voix freeze off // grain_freeze2 aurelien modulation_freeze+filtre mains // Mat Mic_Perc2 freeze // ––MATRIX Mat Mic_Voix freeze Mat freeze1 dac1 Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––FREEZE abort freeze_fin_A /// $bruno_L // Mat Mic_Voix psycho // Mat gest1_onseg1 psycho // Mat psycho1 spat1 // Mat psycho2 spat2 // Mat psycho3 spat3 // Mat psycho4 spat4 // psycho_Out1-lev 0.0 // psycho_Out2-lev 0.0 // psycho_Out3-lev 0.0 // psycho_Out4-lev 0.0 // psycho_all-voices-trans 1 // psycho_mute 0 // // + spat main droite // psycho_temp-modulation 150 // psycho_pitch-modulation 102 // group psycho_bruno_init // { // obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_L, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0.5, 1, -900, 1500, 1) // Modulation du comedien // obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_L, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0.5, 1, -1000, 1600, 1) // Modulation du comedien // obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_L, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0.5, 1, -1100, 1700, 1) // Modulation du comedien // obj::osc2_max_scale($bruno_incl_lat_L, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0.5, 1, -1200, 1800, 1) // Modulation du comedien // } NOTE 60 1 b03-01 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX B (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // Mat gest1_chop1 spat2 // ––SAMPLE // ––FREEZE //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze1", 0.8, 5) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duration NOTE 60 1 b04-01 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX B (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // Mat gest1_chop1 spat2 // ––SAMPLE sample "a00-00-00.aif" 12 1 // ––FREEZE //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze2", 1, 5) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duration NOTE 60 1 b05-01 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX B (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE sample "a00-00-00.aif" 12 1 // ––FREEZE //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze1", 0.8, 5) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duration NOTE 60 1 b06-01 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX B (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // Mat gest1_chop1 spat2 // ––FREEZE //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze2", 1, 5) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duration NOTE 60 1 b08-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––FREEZE //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze1", 0.6, 12) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duration // ––SAMPLE // ––FREEZE //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze1", 0.6, 12) // // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "b08-01-071-voix-01.aif" 2 2 1.36 sample "b08-01-071-voix-02.aif" 1 1 spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 0.5 1.26 sample "b08-01-071-vibra-gliss.aif" 3 3 Curve spat_x3 0.5, -1 1s spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 -1 0.9 sample "b08-01-071-voix-aigue.aif" 10 4 0.5 Curve spat_x4 -1, 1 2s // MATRIX B (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // Mat gest1_chop1 spat2 // ––FREEZE //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) NOTE 60 1 b09-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "b09-01-074-pulse-grave.aif" 22 7 // C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C NOTE 60 1 c01-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel stop_all_samplers 100 spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 -0.5 0.15 sample "c01-01-083-son-plosif.aif" 8 3 Curve spat_x3 -0.5, 1 2s Mat Mic_Voix freeze off abort concat_capteur_chop1 concat_chop_1_intensity 1 //reset to 1 amplitude abort concat_capteur_chop2 concat_chop_2_intensity 1 //reset to 1 amplitude abort obj::pedal_freeze // MATRIX C (I) // Mat Mic_Voix psycho // Mat psycho1 spat1 // Mat psycho2 spat2 // Mat psycho3 spat3 // Mat psycho4 spat4 // Mat freeze1 gizmo1 // Mat freeze2 gizmo2 // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat gizmo1 dac1 // Mat gizmo2 dac2 // Mat freeze1 dac1 off // Mat freeze2 dac2 off // Mat gest1_chop1 spat2 off NOTE 60 1 c01-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––MATRIX Mat gest1_chop1 spat5 off Mat gest2_chop2 spat6 off // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat psycho1 freeze Mat psycho2 freeze Mat psycho3 freeze Mat psycho4 freeze // ––––––––Configuration (freeze) sogs-1-rand-freq-pos 77 sogs-1-pos-offset 12 sogs-1-onset-var 24 sogs-1-pitch-var 0 sogs-1-pitch-trans 0 sogs-1-grain-dur 50 sogs-1-lev 20 sogs-2-rand-freq-pos 77 sogs-2-pos-offset 12 sogs-2-onset-var 24 sogs-2-pitch-var 0 sogs-2-pitch-trans 0 sogs-2-grain-dur 50 sogs-2-lev 20 // ––PSYCHORISTE psycho_mute 0 // ––––––––Matrix (psychoriste) Mat Mic_Voix psycho Mat psycho1 spat1 Mat psycho2 spat2 Mat psycho3 spat3 Mat psycho4 spat4 // ––––––––Level (psychoriste) group psycho_on { Curve psycho_Out1-lev -120, 0.0 2s Curve psycho_Out2-lev -120, 0.0 2s Curve psycho_Out3-lev -120, 0.0 2s Curve psycho_Out4-lev -120, 0.0 2s } psycho_all-voices-trans 1 psycho_mute 0 // + spat main droite psycho_temp-modulation 150 psycho_pitch-modulation 102 // ––––––––MONTION SENSORS (psychoriste) group psycho_aurelien_init { obj::osc2_max_scale($aurelien_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice1-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, -1000, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($aurelien_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice2-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 200, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($aurelien_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice3-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 900, 1) // Modulation du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($aurelien_incl_lat_R, "psycho_voice4-trans", 0., 0.5, 0, 1000, 1) // Modulation du comedien } group psycho_lev_bruno { obj::osc2_max_scale($aurelien_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out1-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($aurelien_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out2-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($aurelien_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out3-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien obj::osc2_max_scale($aurelien_incl_front_R, "psycho_Out4-lev", 0., 0.5, -40, 0, 1) // Niveau du comedien } // ––GIZMO // ––––––Matrix (Gizmo) Mat freeze1 dac1 off Mat freeze2 dac2 off Mat freeze1 gizmo1 Mat freeze2 gizmo2 // Mat Mic_Voix freeze Mat gizmo1 dac1 Mat gizmo2 dac2 // ––––––Configuration (Gizmo) gizmo1_mute 0 gizmo1_In-lev 0.000 gizmo1_Out-lev 0.000 gizmo1_del 0 gizmo1_transp 0.000 gizmo2_mute 0 gizmo2_In-lev 0.000 gizmo2_Out-lev 0.000 gizmo2_del 0 gizmo2_transp 0.000 // ––––––Motion Sensors (Gizmo) group Freeze_gizmo_par_aurelien { // $bruno_incl_front_L $aurelien_incl_lat_L gizmo1_transp, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max, in_min2, in_max2, out_min2, out_max2 obj::osc2_max_modulation($aurelien_incl_front_L, $aurelien_incl_lat_L, "gizmo1_transp", 0.1, 0.8, -500, 500, 0.5, 1, -1000, 1000) obj::osc2_max_modulation($aurelien_incl_front_L, $aurelien_incl_lat_L, "gizmo2_transp", 0.1, 0.8, -500, 500, 0.5, 1, -1000, 1000) } // ––FREEZE obj::kick_freeze($aurelien_kick_L, "freeze1", 2, 8) obj::kick_freeze($aurelien_kick_R, "freeze2", 2, 8) NOTE 60 1 c02-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amsample "c02-01-01.aif" 24 7p $channel sample "c02-01-084-pulse-grave.aif" 24 7 // MATRIX C (I) // Mat Mic_Voix psycho // Mat psycho1 spat1 // Mat psycho2 spat2 // Mat psycho3 spat3 // Mat psycho4 spat4 // Mat freeze1 gizmo1 // Mat freeze2 gizmo2 // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat gizmo1 dac1 // Mat gizmo2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 c03-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amsample "c02-01-01.aif" 24 7p $channel stop_all_samplers 100 spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 -0.5 0.15 sample "c03-01-089-son-plosif.aif" 8 4 Curve spat_x4 -0.5, 1 2s // MATRIX C (I) // Mat Mic_Voix psycho // Mat psycho1 spat1 // Mat psycho2 spat2 // Mat psycho3 spat3 // Mat psycho4 spat4 // Mat freeze1 gizmo1 // Mat freeze2 gizmo2 // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat gizmo1 dac1 // Mat gizmo2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 c04-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amsample "c02-01-01.aif" 24 7p $channel sample "c04-01-090-pulse-grave.aif" 29 7 NOTE 60 1 c05-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amsample "c02-01-01.aif" 24 7p $channel stop_all_samplers 100 spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 -0.5 0.15 sample "c05-01-100-son-plosif.aif" 8 3 Curve spat_x3 -0.5, 1 2s // MATRIX C (I) // Mat Mic_Voix psycho // Mat psycho1 spat1 // Mat psycho2 spat2 // Mat psycho3 spat3 // Mat psycho4 spat4 // Mat freeze1 gizmo1 // Mat freeze2 gizmo2 // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat gizmo1 dac1 // Mat gizmo2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 c05-02 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX C (I) // Mat Mic_Voix psycho off // Mat psycho1 spat1 off // Mat psycho2 spat2 off // Mat psycho3 spat3 off // Mat psycho4 spat4 off // Mat freeze1 gizmo1 off // Mat freeze2 gizmo2 off // Mat Mic_Voix freeze off // Mat gizmo1 dac1 off // Mat gizmo2 dac2 off // Mat Mic_Perc1 freeze off // Mat Mic_Perc2 freeze off abort obj::psycho_lev_aurelien abort obj::pedal_freeze abort psycho_lev_aurelien { abort c01_01_psycho_aurelien Curve psycho_Out1-lev 0.0, -120 7s Curve psycho_Out2-lev 0.0, -120 7s Curve psycho_Out3-lev 0.0, -120 7s Curve psycho_Out4-lev 0.0, -120 7s 8s abort psycho_bruno_init // ––––––––Matrix (freeze) Mat Mic_Perc1 freeze off Mat Mic_Perc2 freeze off Mat Mic_Voix freeze off Mat Mic_Voix psycho off Mat psycho1 spat1 off Mat psycho2 spat2 off Mat psycho3 spat3 off Mat psycho4 spat4 off Mat freeze1 gizmo1 off Mat freeze2 gizmo2 off Mat gizmo1 dac1 off Mat gizmo2 dac2 off stop_all_samplers bang } abort Freeze_gizmo_par_aurelien // D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D NOTE 60 1 d01-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "d01-01-101-son-saccade.aif" 12 8 // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––––––Reminder (matrix) Mat Mic_Voix psycho off Mat psycho1 spat1 off Mat psycho2 spat2 off Mat psycho3 spat3 off Mat psycho4 spat4 off Mat freeze1 gizmo1 off Mat freeze2 gizmo2 off Mat Mic_Voix freeze off Mat gizmo1 dac1 off Mat gizmo2 dac2 off Mat Mic_Perc1 freeze off Mat Mic_Perc2 freeze off Mat Mic_Voix freeze Mat freeze1 dac1 Mat freeze2 dac2 obj::pedal_freeze("freeze2", 0.5, 5) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio NOTE 60 1 d02-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample_st "d02-01-103-son-saccade-grave.aif" 9 // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 NOTE 60 1 d03-01 // trigered at the control booth // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––––––Reminder (matrix because there is a delay in c05-01) Mat Mic_Voix freeze //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze1", 0.8, 5) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio NOTE 60 1 d03-02 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample "d03-02-109-guttural.aif" 12 8 sample "d03-02-109-son-saccade.aif" 12 7 // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––––––Reminder (matrix because there is a delay in c05-01) Mat Mic_Voix freeze //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze2", 0.8, 5) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 d04-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––Reminder (matrix because there is a delay in c05-01) Mat Mic_Voix freeze //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze1", 0.8, 10) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel spat_y4 0.4 spat_x4 -0.5 sample "d04-01-111-souffle.aif" 12 4 0.7 Curve spat_x4 -0.7, 1 1s // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 d04-02 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––Reminder (matrix because there is a delay in c05-01) Mat Mic_Voix freeze //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze2", 0.8, 10) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel spat_y4 0.3 spat_x4 0.7 sample "d04-02-112-souffle-saccade.aif" 12 4 0.7 Curve spat_x4 0.7, -1 2s // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 d05-01 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample_st "d05-01-113-son-saccade.aiff" -8 // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––––––Reminder (matrix because there is a delay in c05-01) Mat Mic_Voix freeze // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 d05-02 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel spat_y4 0.5 spat_x4 0.7 sample "d05-02-114-gliss-infini.aif" 12 4 0.4 Curve spat_x4 0.7, -1 1s // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 d05-03 // trigered by the musicians // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel spat_y4 0.5 spat_x4 -0.7 sample "d05-03-115-gliss-infini.aif" 12 4 0.4 Curve spat_x4 -0.7, 1 2s // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 d05-04 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel spat_y3 0.5 spat_x3 1 sample "d05-04-115-gliss-infini-aigu.aif" 12 3 0.4 Curve spat_x3 1, -1 3s // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 NOTE 60 1 d05-05 // triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel spat_y4 0.5 spat_x4 11 sample "d05-05-116-gliss-infini.aif" 12 4 0.4 Curve spat_x4 1, 1 2s // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 d05-06 // trigered by the musicien// triggered at the control booth // ––––––––Sample (sound files) // sample "sound-file" $amp $channel sample_st "d05-06-117-gliss-infini.aif" 16 // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 d06-01 // trigered by the musicien spat_y3 0.5 spat_x3 -1 sample "d06-06-118-gliss-infini.aif" 8 3 1 Curve spat_x3 -1, 1 4s // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 NOTE 60 1 d07-01 // trigered by the musicien sample_st "d07-01-123-chaos-aigu.aiff" -6 // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 NOTE 60 1 d07-02 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 300 0.35 sample "d07-02-125-souffle.aiff" 6 1 spat_y4 0.5 spat_x4 -0.7 sample "d07-02-125-gliss-infini.aif" 5 4 1 Curve spat_x4 -0.7, 0.7 2s // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––SAMPLE // E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E NOTE 60 1 e01-01 // trigered at the control booth sample "e01-01-126-souffle-saccade.aiff" 18 8 // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 // ––MATRIX // ––––––Reminder (matrix) Mat Mic_Voix freeze Mat freeze1 dac1 Mat freeze2 dac2 //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) abort obj::pedal_freeze obj::pedal_freeze("freeze2", 1, 10) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 e01-02 // trigered at the control booth // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze1", 1, 8) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio // ––SAMPLE sample "e01-02-127-souffle-saccade.aiff" 18 7 NOTE 60 1 e01-03 // trigered at the control booth // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze2", 1, 10) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio // ––SAMPLE sample "e01-03-128-souffle-saccade.aiff" 18 8 NOTE 60 1 e01-04 // trigered at the control booth stop_all_samplers 500 // MATRIX D (I) // Mat Mic_Voix freeze // Mat freeze1 dac1 // Mat freeze2 dac2 //pedal_freeze($freeze, $amp, $dur) obj::pedal_freeze("freeze1", 1, 8) // freeze number, amplitude dB, freeze duratio // F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F NOTE 60 1 f01-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "f01-01-130-son-cloche-repete.aif" 12 7 // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 // Mat Mic_Voix freeze off // Mat freeze1 dac1 off // Mat freeze2 dac2 off Mat Mic_Voix freeze off Mat freeze1 dac1 off Mat freeze2 dac2 off Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 // ––FREEZE abort obj::pedal_freeze // ––CONCATENATIVE SYNTHESIS onseg_load_sounds clearall // clear previuos audio content onseg_load_sounds readall ($base_path+"/samples-concat/papillon_f.mubu") // chop_load_sounds clearall // clear previuos audio content // chop_load_sounds readall "/Users/fernandez/Documents/Max-patch/Patch-concert2-2-5_inputs/samples-concat/Container_f01_01_adelaide.mubu" concat_onseg_1_play_mode 1 // fence concat_onseg_2_play_mode 1 // fence // to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 1 2 3 4 // to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 5 6 7 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 include 1 2 4 to_knn_onseg_onseg2 include 1 2 4 to_knn_onseg_onseg1 exclude 3 5 6 7 8 to_knn_onseg_onseg2 exclude 3 5 6 7 8 ::weights("to_knn_onseg_onseg1", ["Loudness-mean"]) ::weights("to_knn_onseg_onseg2", ["Loudness-mean"]) concat_onseg_1_intensity 0.6 concat_onseg_release 100 concat_onseg_1_play_mode 0 // 2 mains pour concat séparés spat droite-gauche gauche-droite en fonction de la main et fade out a la fin + effet doopler spat // Bruno son papillon f01-01-01_papillon_transformed.aif, f01-01-02_papillon-souffle_fort.aif f01-01-03_papillon_01_transformed.aif 4s group concat_capteur_f01_01_bruno { // capteur n°1 // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_lateral_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Frequency-mean", 1) // axe capteur, receiver_Max, descripteur list_index // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_front_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Loudness-mean", 1) // axe capteur, receiver_Max, descripteur obj::osc2_max($bruno_mov_L, "concat_onseg_1_still") obj::osc2_max($bruno_mov_R, "concat_onseg_2_still") // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_lateral_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Duration", $weights_onseg, 1) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_front_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Duration", $weights_onseg, 1) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all //osc2_max_descriptors($osc1, $command_num, $desc, $weights) obj::osc2_max_descriptors($bruno_acc_intensity_L, "concat_onseg_1", "Loudness-mean", $weights_onseg) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_descriptors($bruno_acc_intensity_R, "concat_onseg_2", "Loudness-mean", $weights_onseg) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all // obj::osc2_max_nim_intensity($incli_lateral_1, "concat_onseg_1_intensity") // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all } NOTE 60 1 f02-01 // trigered by the musicien sample "f02-01-134-son-cloche-repete.aif" 12 8 // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 // ––SAMPLE // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 f02-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y3 0.5 spat_x3 -0.7 sample "f02-02-136-guiro-lent.wav" 36 3 Curve spat_x3 -0.7, 0.7 2s spat_y4 0.5 spat_x4 0.7 2 sample "f02-02-136-guiro-transformed.aif" 36 4 Curve spat_x4 0.7, -0.7 2s NOTE 60 1 f02-03 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 // ––SAMPLE sample "f02-03-140-guiro-rapide.wav" 12 1 spat_y3 0.5 spat_x3 0.7 0.8 sample "f02-03-140-guiro-transformed.aif" 16 3 Curve spat_x3 0.7, -0.7 2s NOTE 60 1 f03-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––CONCATENATIVE SYNTHEIS abort concat_capteur_f01_01_bruno // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 // ––SAMPLE sample "f03-02-145-pulse-grave.aif" 20 7 NOTE 60 1 f04-01 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 // ––SAMPLE spat_y4 0.5 spat_x4 0.7 sample "f04-01-148-guiro-transformed.wav" 18 4 Curve spat_x4 0.7, -0.7 3s NOTE 60 1 f04-02 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 // ––SAMPLE stop_all_samplers 100 NOTE 60 1 f06-01 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 // ––SAMPLE sample_st "f06-01-154-son-spectral-delay.aif" -3 NOTE 60 1 f06-02 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 off // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 off // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 off // Mat Mic_Accord ana-envfoll // Mat Mic_Accord ana-pitch // Mat gest3_chop3 spat6 // ––SAMPLE // // ––MATRIX // // ––––––Matrix (concatenative Synthesis) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 off // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 off // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 off // concat_chop_1_play_mode 0 // concat_chop_dur 560 // concat_chop_release 64 // concat_chop_attack 100 // concat_chop_level -6 // chop_load_sounds clearall // clear previuos audio content // chop_load_sounds readall ($base_path+"/samples-concat/F06.mubu") // to_knn_chop3 include 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // PROGRAMAR // concatenative en temps réel à partir du pitch et intensité accodeon // son: // "F_cb_tournante.aif" pour concat // ::weights("to_knn_chop3", ["Frequency-mean"]) // // ––––––Matrix (concatenative Synthesis and analysis) // Mat Mic_Accord ana-envfoll // Mat Mic_Accord ana-pitch // Mat gest3_chop3 spat6 // Mat gest1_chop1 spat2 // 04_f06-02-01_concat_metalique_01.aif // 05_f06-02-02-concat_cbtournante_01.aif // 06_f06-02-03_concat.aif // 07_f06-02-04_concat.aif // 08_f06-02-06_concat.aif // 09_f06-02-07_concat.aif // 10_f06-02-08_concat.aif // group concat_ana_accord_f06_02 // { // obj::osc2_max_ana($ana_still, "concat_chop_3_still", "concat_chop_3") // obj::osc2_max_descriptors_ana($ana_envfoll, "Frequency-mean") // obj::osc2_max_descriptors_ana($ana_pitch, "Frequency-mean") // } NOTE 60 1 f07-01 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 off // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 off // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 off // Mat Mic_Accord ana-envfoll // Mat Mic_Accord ana-pitch // Mat gest3_chop3 spat6 // group // { // Curve concat_chop_3_intensity 1.0, 0 3s // 3s abort concat_ana_accord_f06_02 // } NOTE 60 1 f07-02 // trigered by the m sample_st "f07-02-159-son-spectral-delay.wav" 3 NOTE 60 1 f07-03 // trigered by the m NOTE 60 1 f08-01 // trigered by the musicien sample_st "f08-01-164-son-attaque-inverse.wav" 0 // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 off // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 off // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 off // Mat Mic_Accord ana-envfoll // Mat Mic_Accord ana-pitch // Mat gest3_chop3 spat // ––CONCATENATIVE SYNTHEIS // concat_chop_3_intensity 1 // concat_chop_dur 560 // concat_chop_release 64 // concat_chop_attack 100 // to_knn_chop3 include 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // PROGRAMAR // concatenative en temps réel à partir du pitch et intensité accodeon // son: // "F_cb_tournante.aif" pour concat // ::weights("to_knn_chop3", ["Frequency-mean"]) // Mat Mic_Accord ana-envfoll // Mat Mic_Accord ana-pitch // Mat gest3_chop3 spat6 // // 04_f06-02-01_concat_metalique_01.aif // // 05_f06-02-02-concat_cbtournante_01.aif // // 06_f06-02-03_concat.aif // // 07_f06-02-04_concat.aif // // 08_f06-02-06_concat.aif // // 09_f06-02-07_concat.aif // // 10_f06-02-08_concat.aif // group concat_ana_accord_f08_01 // { // obj::osc2_max_ana($ana_still, "concat_chop_3_still", "concat_chop_3") // obj::osc2_max_descriptors_ana($ana_envfoll, "Frequency-mean") // obj::osc2_max_descriptors_ana($ana_pitch, "Frequency-mean") // } NOTE 60 1 f09-01 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 // MATRIX F (I) // Mat gest1_onseg1 dac1 off // Mat gest1_onseg2 dac2 off // Mat gest1_onseg3 dac3 off // Mat gest1_onseg4 dac4 off // Mat Mic_Accord ana-envfoll // Mat Mic_Accord ana-pitch // Mat gest3_chop3 spat // group // { // Curve concat_chop_3_intensity 1.0, 0 3s // 3s abort concat_ana_accord_f08_01 // } // 4s group // { // Mat Mic_Accord ana-envfoll off // Mat Mic_Accord ana-pitch off // Mat gest3_chop3 spat off // } NOTE 60 1 f09-02 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX F (I) // 4s later // Mic_Accord ana-envfoll off // Mat Mic_Accord ana-pitch off // Mat gest3_chop3 spat off // ––SAMPLE spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 0.5 sample "f09-02-167-son-attaque-inverse.wav" 24 4 4 Curve spat_x4 0.5, -1 2s NOTE 60 1 f09-03 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 // ––SAMPLES // stop sample en ms 0.15 sample "f09-03-169-cloche-repete.aif" 12 8 NOTE 60 1 f10-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 0.5 sample "f10-01-171-son-attaque-inverse.aif" 28 3 2 Curve spat_x3 0.5, -1 2s NOTE 60 1 f13-01 // trigered by the musicien // MATRIX F (I) // ––SAMPLE sample_st "f13-01-182-spectral-delay-long.wav" 12 spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 0.5 1.5 sample "f13-01-0182-vibra-gliss.aif" 18 4 Curve spat_x4 0.5, -1 1s NOTE 60 1 f16-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE stop_all_samplers 100 0.2 sample_st "f16-01-193-pulse-grave.wav" 5 // G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G NOTE 60 1 g02-01 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 0.1 // ––SAMPLE 0.15 sample "g02-01-200-pulse-grave.aif" 12 8 NOTE 60 1 g04-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 -0.5 sample "g04-01-205-souffle-pulse.aif" 20 3 0.1 Curve spat_x3 -0.5, 1 0.8s NOTE 60 1 g04-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 -0.5 sample "g04-02-206-souffle-pulse.wav" 20 4 0.1 Curve spat_x4 -0.5, 1 1s 1 Curve spat_x4 1, -0.5 1s NOTE 60 1 g04-03 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 -0.5 sample "g04-03-207-souffle-pulse.aif" 20 3 0.1 Curve spat_x3 -0.5, 1 0.8s NOTE 60 1 g04-04 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 -0.5 sample "g04-04-208-souffle-pulse.wav" 20 4 0.8 Curve spat_x4 -0.5, 1 2s 2 Curve spat_x4 1, -0.5 1s NOTE 60 1 g04-05 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 -0.8 sample "g04-05-210-souffle-gliss.wav" 18 3 0.1 Curve spat_x3 -0.8, 1 0.8s NOTE 60 1 g04-06 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 -0.5 sample "g04-06-211-souffle-gliss.wav" 12 4 0.1 Curve spat_x4 -0.5, 1 0.8s NOTE 60 1 g04-07 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 -0.5 sample "g04-07-212-souffle-gliss.wav" 16 3 Curve spat_x3 -0.5, 1 1s Curve spat_x3 1, -0.5 2s NOTE 60 1 g05-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "g05-01-213-son-aigu-metalique.wav" 7 sample "g05-01-213-pulse-grave.aif" 12 3 NOTE 60 1 g05-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "g05-02-218-voix-grave.wav" 16 7 NOTE 60 1 g05-03 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "g05-03-221-son-aigu-metalique.wav" 7 NOTE 60 1 g06-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––MES 223 sample_st "g06-01-223-pulse-noir.wav" 3 sample_st "g06-01-223-voix-souffle.aif" 4 sample "g06-01-223-pulse-triolet.wav" 2 8 NOTE 60 1 g07-01 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 NOTE 60 1 g08-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––MES 231 sample_st "g08-01-231-pulse-noir.wav" 3 sample_st "g08-01-231-voix-souffle.aif" 4 sample "g08-01-231-pulse-triolet.wav" 2 8 NOTE 60 1 g08-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "g08-02-243-son-aigu.wav" 7 NOTE 60 1 g09-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "g09-01-245-pulse-noir.wav" 3 sample "g09-01-245-pulse-triolet.wav" 2 7 sample_st "g09-01-245-voix-souffle.aif" 4 NOTE 60 1 g11-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE stop_all_samplers 100 NOTE 60 1 g12-01 // trigered by the musicien // 257 sample_st "g12-01-257-pulse-noir.wav" 2 sample "g12-01-257-pulse-triolet.wav" 2 7 sample_st "g12-01-257-voix-souffle.aif" 4 sample "g12-01-257-guitar.aif" 18 8 NOTE 60 1 g12-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "g12-02-267-son-aigu.wav" 5 // H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H NOTE 60 1 h01-01 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 h01-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "h01-02-274-gliss.wav" 5 NOTE 60 1 h02-01-1 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "h02-01-1-277-gliss.wav" 5 NOTE 60 1 h02-01-2 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "h02-01-2-277-gliss.wav" 5 3.261 sample "h02-01-2-278-son-cloche-repete.wav" 8 8 NOTE 60 1 h04-01 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 NOTE 60 1 h04-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "h04-02-287-gliss.wav" 5 1.363 sample "h04-02-288-son-cloche-repete.aif" 8 7 NOTE 60 1 h06-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE stop_all_samplers 100 NOTE 60 1 h06-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "h06-02-291-gliss.wav" 5 1.363 sample "h06-02-291-son-cloche-repete.aif" 8 8 NOTE 60 1 h06-03 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 -0.8 0.652 sample "h06-03-294-voix.wav" 22 4 Curve spat_x4 -0.8, 1 5s 6.61 sample "h06-03-294-son-cloche-repete.aif" 6 7 NOTE 60 1 h07-01 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 -0.8 0.652 sample "h07-01-297-voix.wav" 22 3 Curve spat_x3 -0.8, 1 5s 5.217 sample "h07-01-297-son-cloche-repete.aif" 4 8 NOTE 60 1 h08-01 // trigered by the musicien stop_all_samplers 100 // ––SAMPLE spat_y4 0.2 spat_x4 -0.8 sample "h08-01-303-voix.wav" 22 4 Curve spat_x4 -0.8, 1 4s spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 0.8 3.912 sample "h08-01-305-souffle.wav" 18 3 Curve spat_x3 0.8, -1 1s NOTE 60 1 h09-01 // trigered by the musicien spat_y3 0.2 spat_x3 -0.8 sample "h09-01-309-voix.wav" 18 3 Curve spat_x3 -0.8, 1 4s // I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE 60 1 i01-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE NOTE 60 1 i05-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample_st "i05-01-238-gliss-souffle-long.wav" 5 // J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J NOTE 60 1 j01-01 // trigered by the musicien NOTE 60 1 j04-01 // trigered by the musicien // K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K NOTE 60 1 k01-01 // trigered by the musicien Mat addsynth dac1 Mat addsynth dac2 // ––SAMPLE sample "k00-00-00.aif" 12 1 // ––ADDITIVE SYNTHESIS group additive_synthesis_1 { $freqs_synth := [233.14, 698.95636, 903.87207, 1363.846558, 1430.081299, 1596.623413, 1716.008301, 1944.41, 2287.360107, 2532.38501, 2845.879639, 2981.506836, 3086.889648, 3299.672852, 3639.084229, 3861.573486, 4012.778809, 4137.25, 4257.866699, 4493.863281] $amps_synth := [0.006643, 0.000023, 0.00002, 0.000016, 0.000016, 0.000024, 0.001083, 0.000048, 0.000275, 0.000224, 0.000093, 0.000401, 0.00016, 0.001475, 0.000273, 0.000046, 0.000049, 0.000433, 0.000097, 0.000063] // $freqs_synth := [207.372513, 494.805237, 595.728699, 701.831177, 938.753418, 1054.767944, 1310.75293, 1405.169189, 1476.861084, 1596.574341, 1721.012451, 1831.055176, 2120.693604, 2283.641113, 2542.330322, 2764.29541, 2835.043457, 2992.506592, 3110.30957, 3306.974609] // $amps_synth := [0.03174, 0.108244, 0.098753, 0.188697, 0.016867, 0.076575, 0.003038, 0.004602, 0.00413, 0.00217, 0.004341, 0.02583, 0.005771, 0.094992, 0.069865, 0.001107, 0.00112, 0.001592, 0.00532, 0.04633] $pos_synth := [0.21437500417233, 0.21437500417233, 0.2381833344698, 0.26199167966843, 0.52388334274292, 0.47626668214798, 0.47626668214798, 0.54292976856232, 0.57150000333786, 0.57150000333786, 0.57150000333786, 0.69054168462753, 0.88100832700729, 0.92862498760223, 0.71435004472733, 0.71435004472733, 0.69054168462753, 0.65959078073502, 0.57150000333786, 0.45245832204819] // @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // 0.1 @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // 0.1 obj::crea_track8s("add_synth", 0, 30, 20, [["TAddic_20_8"]], "group1") // @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // $tracks("add_synth").set("TAddic_20_8", ["freqs", $freqs_synth, "amps", $amps_synth, "pos", $pos_synth]) // tableaux d'évolution des partiels et interpolés par une NIM $t0 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t1 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t2 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t3 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t4 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t5 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t6 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] $t7 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] // $ttype := [ "linear", "cubic", "bounce", "circ", "sine", "elastic" ] // $ttype := [ "linear", "linear", "linear", "linear", "linear", "linear" ] // type d'interpolation $ttype := "linear" ///////// NIM vectoriel ////////// // cree une NIM qui est défini entre 0 et 1 et qui vaut $tinterpol_nim_amp := NIM { 0 $t0, 0.125 $t1 $ttype, 0.125 $t2 $ttype, 0.125 $t3 $ttype, 0.125 $t4 $ttype, 0.125 $t5 $ttype, 0.125 $t6 $ttype, 0.125 $t7 $ttype } // print ($tinterpol_nim_amp(1.55)) add_filter $t0 // filtre spectral pour apparition des partiels add_amps $amps_synth add_freqs $freqs_synth // 0.1 $add_synth_mod_f18_01 := obj::add_synth_mod2($aurelien_incl_front_L, $aurelien_incl_lat_R, "add_filter", $tinterpol_nim_amp) 0.1 $add_synth_mod_f18_01 := obj::add_synth_mod2($bruno_incl_front_L, $bruno_incl_lat_L, "add_filter", $tinterpol_nim_amp) } NOTE 60 1 k03-01 // ––SAMPLE sample "a00-00-00.aif" 12 1 NOTE 60 1 k04-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "a00-00-00.aif" 12 1 NOTE 60 1 k05-01 // trigered by the musicien NOTE 60 1 k05-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "a00-00-00.aif" 12 1 abort $add_synth_mod_f18_01 add_synth_fade_out 3000 // fadeout addsynth add_freqs 0 // stop addsynth // L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L NOTE 60 1 l01-01 // trigered by the musicien group abort_g01_01 { // abort seq_change_concat_aurelien abort concat_capteur4 add_freqs 0 // off Add_Synth // @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // 0.1 @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // $tracks("add_synth").free(6) // 7 abort $add_synth_mod_f18_01 } // ––SAMPLE sample "l00-00-00.aif" 12 1 NOTE 60 1 l02-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "l00-00-00.aif" 12 1 NOTE 60 1 l02-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "l00-00-00.aif" 12 1 NOTE 60 1 l03-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "l00-00-00.aif" 12 1 NOTE 60 1 l03-02 $sample_list_g04_01 := ["l03-02-calleux.aif", "l03-02-et_le_dur-relenti.aif", "l03-02-tout_presque-relenti.aif", "l03-02-ment-relenti.aif", "l03-02-et_le_poid.aif", "l03-02-calleux_le-relenti.aif", "l03-02-peratif-ralenti.aif", "l03-02-se_des_choses-relenti.aif"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list_g04_01, 1, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l04-01 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list1_g05_01 := ["l04-01-beaucoup-relenti.aif", "l04-01-couleur-relenti.aif", "l04-01-couleur.aif", "l04-01-et_le_parfum.aif", "l04-01-parfum-relenti.aif", "l04-01-le_touffu-relenti.aif", "l04-01-la_te_complexi-relenti.aif", "l04-01-la_te_complexi.aif", "l04-01-pres_tout-que.aif", "l04-01-pres_tout-relenti.aif", "l04-01-de_l_homme.aif", "l04-01-tellement-femme-relenti.aif", "l04-01-femme-de-laf-ment.aif", "l04-01-de_moi_aussi.aif", "l04-02-tam_pour_mon_tam.aif"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list1_g05_01, 4, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l04-02 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list_g07_01 := ["l04-02-du_tam_tam-en-tierce-min-reverb.wav", "l04-02-beaucoup-en-tierce-relenti.wav", "l04-02-du_tam_joue_tam.aif", "l04-02-passe-enfin.aif", "l04-02-du_tam_tam-en-tierce-min-reverb.wav", "l04-02-du_tam_tam-en-tierce-min.wav", "l04-02-pourquoi_faut_il.aif", "l04-02-beaucoup-en-tierce-relenti.wav"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list_g07_01, 4, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l05-01 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list1 := ["vos-barrages-treated.aif", "l05-01-forcer_ba_vos_rrages.aif", "l05-01-m_ausculter-relenti.aif", "l05-01-me_ralentir-en-tierce-ralenti.wav", "l05-01-mon_barrage.aif", "l05-01-preci-tater_le.aif", "l05-01-rage-en-seconde-maj.wav", "l05-01-tater_le_pouls.aif", "l05-01-ter_ach_pour_rest_val.aif"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list1, 3, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l05-02 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list_g09_01 := ["l05-02-carrertre_en-tierce.wav", "l05-02-comme-Boss-contre-uet.wav", "l05-02-L_alexan-contre.wav", "tre-treated-02.aif", "l05-02-le_juri_contre_dique-entierce-reverb.wav", "l05-02-re-con_rom_tre_en-tierce-reverb.wav", "l05-02-theo_contre_logique-en-tierce-reverb.wav", "l05-02-tre_con-ranalyse-en-tierce-reverb.wav", "nalyse-treated.aif"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list_g09_01, 6, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l05-03 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list_g10_01 := ["l05-03-casser.wav", "l05-03-contrer-en-tierce.wav", "l05-03-du_chantier-en-tierce.wav", "pilonner-treated.aif", "l05-03-precipiter_en_tierce.wav", "jeterabas-treated.aif"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list_g10_01, 6, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l06-01 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list_g11_01 := ["g11-01-01_drap_freq_comb.aif", "g11-01-01_leeeer_freq_comb.aif", "g11-01-01_leeeer_freq.aif"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list_g11_01, 6, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l06-02 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list_g12_01 := ["l06-02-harpe_en_tierce-reverb.wav", "jeterabas-treated.aif", "l06-02-les_soeurs-en-tierce.wav"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list_g12_01, 6, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l06-03 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list_g13_01 := ["g11-01-01_drap_freq_comb.aif", "g11-01-01_leeeer_freq_comb.aif", "g11-01-01_leeeer_freq.aif"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list_g13_01, 6, 0.4, 1) NOTE 60 1 l07-01 abort $kick_example1 $sample_list_g13_01 := ["g04-01-04_tauh-tauh_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g04-01-05_no-no_rapide_freq.aif", "g04-01-06_sa-sa_freq.aif", "g04-01-07_pe-pe_rapide_elec_freq_comb.aif", "g04-01-08_me-me_rapide_freq.aif", "g04-01-09_di-di_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g05-01-01_si-si_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g05-01-02_du-du_rapide_freq.aif", "g05-01-03_pe-pe_rapide_elec_freq.aif", "g05-01-04_co-co-co_rapide_freq.aif", "g05-01-05_tauh-tauh_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g05-01-06_me-me_rapide_freq.aif", "g05-01-07_poi-poi_rapide_freq.aif", "g05-01-08_brem-brem_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g05-01-09_squo-squo_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g05-01-10_cho-cho_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g05-01-11_pa-pa_rapide_freq.aif", "g05-01-12_si-si_rapide.aif", "g05-01-12_tauh-tauh_rapide_freq.aif", "g06-01-01_co-co-co_rapide_freq.aif", "g06-01-02_pa-pa_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g06-01-03_con-con_rapide_freq.aif", "g06-01-04_me-me_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g06-01-05_si-si_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g06-01-06_tauh-tauh_rapide_freq.aif", "g07-01-02_bara-bara_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g07-01-02_beau-beau_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g07-01-03_quoi-quoi_rapide_freq.aif", "g07-01-04_ange-ange_rapide_freq.aif", "g07-01-05_je-je_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g07-01-06_tam-tam_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g08_01_03_vos-vos_rapide_freq.aif", "g08-01-01_pou-pou_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g08-01-02_sa-sa_freq_comb.aif", "g08-01-03_rage-rage_rapide_freq.aif", "g08-01-04_tauh-tauh_rapide_freq.aif", "g08-01-05_bar-bar_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g08-01-06_val-val_rapide_freq-comb.aif", "g08-01-07-cipi-cipi_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g09-01-01_con-con_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g09-01-02_saille-saille_freq_comb.aif", "g09-01-03_trer-trer_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g09-01-04_rau-rau_rapide_freq_comb.aif", "g09-01-05_bouss-bouss_rapoide_freq_comb.aif", "g09-01-06_dique-dique_rapide_freq.aif", "g11-01-01_drap_freq_comb.aif", "g11-01-01_leeeer_freq_comb.aif", "g11-01-01_leeeer_freq.aif"] // $osc_perc, $sound_list, $amp, $chnl, $index $kick_example1 := obj::kick_sample_list_2M2_pos("aurelien", $sample_list_g13_01, 12, 0.4, 1) // M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M NOTE 60 1 m01-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "m00-00-00.aif" 12 1 abort $kick_example1 NOTE 60 1 m02-01 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "m00-00-00.aif" 12 1 Mat gest1_chop1 dac1 Mat gest2_chop2 dac2 //SON SYNTH ADD Homotopy main L // Main R concat //h_percussio_01_reel_percu_long.aif, h_percussio_02_elec_metalique_resonnat_aigue_01.aif, h_percussio_02_elec_metalique_resonnat_aigue_02.aif, h_percussio_02_reel_metalique_resonnat_aigue_01.aif, h_percussio_03_elec_metalique_resonnat_amoyen_01.aif, h_percussio_03_reel_metalique_resonnat_amoyen_01.aif, // Modulacion de Bruno como la de la cymbale tournante pui ça devient une modulation avec un son de synthese PROGRAMAR // PROGRAMAR abort avec un kick aurelien concat_chop_dur 300 concat_chop_release 100 concat_chop_attack 8 chop_load_sounds clearall // clear previuos audio content chop_load_sounds readall ($base_path+"/samples-concat/Container_h01_01_chop.mubu") to_knn_chop1 include 6 7 8 9 to_knn_chop1 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 10 to_knn_chop2 include 6 7 8 to_knn_chop2 exclude 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 ::weights("to_knn_chop1", ["Loudness-mean"]) ::weights("to_knn_chop2", ["Loudness-mean"]) group concat_capteur_chop1 { // capteur n°1 // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_lateral_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Frequency-mean", 1) // axe capteur, receiver_Max, descripteur list_index // obj::osc2_max_descriptors($incli_front_1, "concat_onseg_1", "Loudness-mean", 1) // axe capteur, receiver_Max, descripteur obj::osc2_max($adelaide_mov_L, "concat_chop_1_still") obj::osc2_max_descriptors_intensity($adelaide_acc_intensity_L, "concat_chop_1", "Loudness-mean", $weights_chop) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_nim_intensity($adelaide_acc_intensity_L, "concat_chop_1_intensity") // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max($adelaide_mov_R, "concat_chop_2_still") obj::osc2_max_descriptors_intensity($adelaide_acc_intensity_R, "concat_chop_2", "Loudness-mean", $weights_chop) // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all obj::osc2_max_nim_intensity($adelaide_acc_intensity_R, "concat_chop_2_intensity") // trabaja con nim $quart_intensity_all } // hacer "petit sons adelaide (concat) staccatto subtile declachement seulement avec inclinaison en haut (en bas joue marimba)" // son concat pour adelaide ou random //h_percussio_04_vibra_elec.aif, h_percussio_04_vibra.aif, h_percussio_05_elec_percu_bois.aif, h_percussio_05_reel_percu_bois.aif, h_percussio_06_elec_attaque_accord_aigue.aif, h_percussio_06_reel_attaque_accord_aigue.aif, h_percussio_07_elec_percu_accord_bois.aif, h_percussio_07_reel_percu_accord_bois_02.aif, h_percussio_07_reel_percu_accord_bois.aif, h_percussio_08_elec_percu_attaque_bois.aif, h_percussio_08_reel_percu_attaque_bois_02.aif, h_percussio_08_reel_percu_attaque_bois.aif, h_percussio_09_elec_percu_accord_bois_02.aif, h_percussio_09_elec_percu_accord_bois.aif, h_percussio_09_reel_percu_accord_bois.aif, h_percussio_010_elec_percu_accord_bois_aigue.aif, h_percussio_010_elec_percu_accord_bois_grave.aif, // NOTE 60 1 h01-main NOTE 60 1 m02-02 // trigered by the musicien // ––SAMPLE sample "a00-00-00.aif" 12 1 Mat addsynth dac1 Mat addsynth dac2 group additive_synthesis_1 { $freqs_synth := [233.14, 698.95636, 903.87207, 1363.846558, 1430.081299, 1596.623413, 1716.008301, 1944.41, 2287.360107, 2532.38501, 2845.879639, 2981.506836, 3086.889648, 3299.672852, 3639.084229, 3861.573486, 4012.778809, 4137.25, 4257.866699, 4493.863281] $amps_synth := [0.006643, 0.000023, 0.00002, 0.000016, 0.000016, 0.000024, 0.001083, 0.000048, 0.002275, 0.002224, 0.000093, 0.000401, 0.00016, 0.001475, 0.000273, 0.000046, 0.000049, 0.000433, 0.000097, 0.000063] // $freqs_synth := [207.372513, 494.805237, 595.728699, 701.831177, 938.753418, 1054.767944, 1310.75293, 1405.169189, 1476.861084, 1596.574341, 1721.012451, 1831.055176, 2120.693604, 2283.641113, 2542.330322, 2764.29541, 2835.043457, 2992.506592, 3110.30957, 3306.974609] // $amps_synth := [0.03174, 0.108244, 0.098753, 0.188697, 0.016867, 0.076575, 0.003038, 0.004602, 0.00413, 0.00217, 0.004341, 0.02583, 0.005771, 0.094992, 0.069865, 0.001107, 0.00112, 0.001592, 0.00532, 0.04633] $pos_synth := [0.21437500417233, 0.21437500417233, 0.2381833344698, 0.26199167966843, 0.52388334274292, 0.47626668214798, 0.47626668214798, 0.54292976856232, 0.57150000333786, 0.57150000333786, 0.57150000333786, 0.69054168462753, 0.88100832700729, 0.92862498760223, 0.71435004472733, 0.71435004472733, 0.69054168462753, 0.65959078073502, 0.57150000333786, 0.45245832204819] // @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // 0.1 @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // 0.1 obj::crea_track8s("add_synth", 0, 30, 20, [["TAddic_20_8"]], "group1") // @set_osc_handling_tab(1) // $tracks("add_synth").set("TAddic_20_8", ["freqs", $freqs_synth, "amps", $amps_synth, "pos", $pos_synth]) // tableaux d'évolution des partiels et interpolés par une NIM $t0 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t1 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t2 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t3 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t4 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t5 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] $t6 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] $t7 := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] // $ttype := [ "linear", "cubic", "bounce", "circ", "sine", "elastic" ] // $ttype := [ "linear", "linear", "linear", "linear", "linear", "linear" ] // type d'interpolation $ttype := "linear" ///////// NIM vectoriel ////////// // cree une NIM qui est défini entre 0 et 1 et qui vaut $tinterpol_nim_amp := NIM { 0 $t0, 0.125 $t1 $ttype, 0.125 $t2 $ttype, 0.125 $t3 $ttype, 0.125 $t4 $ttype, 0.125 $t5 $ttype, 0.125 $t6 $ttype, 0.125 $t7 $ttype } // print ($tinterpol_nim_amp(1.55)) add_filter $t0 // filtre spectral pour apparition des partiels add_amps $amps_synth add_freqs $freqs_synth // 0.1 $add_synth_mod_f18_01 := obj::add_synth_mod2($aurelien_incl_front_L, $aurelien_incl_lat_R, "add_filter", $tinterpol_nim_amp) 0.1 $add_synth_mod_f18_01 := obj::add_synth_mod2($bruno_incl_front_L, $bruno_incl_lat_L, "add_filter", $tinterpol_nim_amp) } NOTE 60 1 fin abort adelaide_precedent $tracks("add_synth2").free(6)